package net.seninp.jmotif.sax; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.joda.time.Duration; import org.joda.time.format.PeriodFormatter; import org.joda.time.format.PeriodFormatterBuilder; import net.seninp.jmotif.distance.EuclideanDistance; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.alphabet.NormalAlphabet; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.datastructure.SAXRecord; import net.seninp.jmotif.sax.datastructure.SAXRecords; /** * Implements SAX algorithms. * * @author Pavel Senin * */ public final class SAXProcessor { private final TSProcessor tsProcessor; private final NormalAlphabet na; private EuclideanDistance ed; /** * Constructor. */ public SAXProcessor() { super(); this.tsProcessor = new TSProcessor(); = new NormalAlphabet(); this.ed = new EuclideanDistance(); } /** * Convert the timeseries into SAX string representation. * * @param ts the timeseries. * @param paaSize the PAA size. * @param cuts the alphabet cuts. * @param nThreshold the normalization thresholds. * * @return The SAX representation for timeseries. * @throws SAXException if error occurs. */ public char[] ts2string(double[] ts, int paaSize, double[] cuts, double nThreshold) throws SAXException { if (paaSize == ts.length) { return tsProcessor.ts2String(tsProcessor.znorm(ts, nThreshold), cuts); } else { // perform PAA conversion double[] paa = tsProcessor.paa(tsProcessor.znorm(ts, nThreshold), paaSize); return tsProcessor.ts2String(paa, cuts); } } /** * Converts the input time series into a SAX data structure via chunking and Z normalization. * * @param ts the input data. * @param paaSize the PAA size. * @param cuts the Alphabet cuts. * @param nThreshold the normalization threshold value. * * @return SAX representation of the time series. * @throws SAXException if error occurs. */ public SAXRecords ts2saxByChunking(double[] ts, int paaSize, double[] cuts, double nThreshold) throws SAXException { SAXRecords saxFrequencyData = new SAXRecords(); // Z normalize it double[] normalizedTS = tsProcessor.znorm(ts, nThreshold); // perform PAA conversion if needed double[] paa = tsProcessor.paa(normalizedTS, paaSize); // Convert the PAA to a string. char[] currentString = tsProcessor.ts2String(paa, cuts); // create the datastructure for (int i = 0; i < currentString.length; i++) { char c = currentString[i]; int pos = (int) Math.floor(i * ts.length / currentString.length); saxFrequencyData.add(String.valueOf(c).toCharArray(), pos); } return saxFrequencyData; } /** * Converts the input time series into a SAX data structure via sliding window and Z * normalization. * * @param ts the input data. * @param windowSize the sliding window size. * @param paaSize the PAA size. * @param cuts the Alphabet cuts. * @param nThreshold the normalization threshold value. * @param strategy the NR strategy. * * @return SAX representation of the time series. * @throws SAXException if error occurs. */ public SAXRecords ts2saxViaWindow(double[] ts, int windowSize, int paaSize, double[] cuts, NumerosityReductionStrategy strategy, double nThreshold) throws SAXException { if (windowSize > ts.length) { throw new SAXException( "Unable to saxify via window, window size is greater than the timeseries length..."); } // the resulting data structure init // SAXRecords saxFrequencyData = new SAXRecords(); // scan across the time series extract sub sequences, and convert them to strings char[] previousString = null; for (int i = 0; i <= ts.length - windowSize; i++) { // fix the current subsection double[] subSection = Arrays.copyOfRange(ts, i, i + windowSize); // Z normalize it subSection = tsProcessor.znorm(subSection, nThreshold); // perform PAA conversion if needed double[] paa = tsProcessor.paa(subSection, paaSize); // Convert the PAA to a string. char[] currentString = tsProcessor.ts2String(paa, cuts); if (null != previousString) { if (NumerosityReductionStrategy.EXACT.equals(strategy) && Arrays.equals(previousString, currentString)) { // NumerosityReduction continue; } else if (NumerosityReductionStrategy.MINDIST.equals(strategy) && checkMinDistIsZero(previousString, currentString)) { continue; } } previousString = currentString; saxFrequencyData.add(currentString, i); } // ArrayList<Integer> keys = saxFrequencyData.getAllIndices(); // for (int i : keys) { // System.out.println(i + "," + String.valueOf(saxFrequencyData.getByIndex(i).getPayload())); // } return saxFrequencyData; } /** * Converts the input time series into a SAX data structure via sliding window and Z * normalization. The difference between this function and ts2saxViaWindow is that in this * function, Z normalization occurs on entire range, rather than the sliding window. * * @param ts the input data. * @param windowSize the sliding window size. * @param paaSize the PAA size. * @param cuts the Alphabet cuts. * @param nThreshold the normalization threshold value. * @param strategy the NR strategy. * * @return SAX representation of the time series. * @throws SAXException if error occurs. */ public SAXRecords ts2saxViaWindowGlobalZNorm(double[] ts, int windowSize, int paaSize, double[] cuts, NumerosityReductionStrategy strategy, double nThreshold) throws SAXException { // the resulting data structure init // SAXRecords saxFrequencyData = new SAXRecords(); // scan across the time series extract sub sequences, and convert them to strings char[] previousString = null; // normalize the entire range double[] normalizedData = tsProcessor.znorm(ts, nThreshold); for (int i = 0; i <= ts.length - windowSize; i++) { // get the current subsection double[] subSection = Arrays.copyOfRange(normalizedData, i, i + windowSize); // perform PAA conversion if needed double[] paa = tsProcessor.paa(subSection, paaSize); // Convert the PAA to a string. char[] currentString = tsProcessor.ts2String(paa, cuts); if (null != previousString) { if (NumerosityReductionStrategy.EXACT.equals(strategy) && Arrays.equals(previousString, currentString)) { // NumerosityReduction continue; } else if (NumerosityReductionStrategy.MINDIST.equals(strategy) && checkMinDistIsZero(previousString, currentString)) { continue; } } previousString = currentString; saxFrequencyData.add(currentString, i); } return saxFrequencyData; } /** * Converts the input time series into a SAX data structure via sliding window and Z * normalization. * * @param ts the input data. * @param windowSize the sliding window size. * @param paaSize the PAA size. * @param cuts the Alphabet cuts. * @param nThreshold the normalization threshold value. * @param strategy the NR strategy. * @param skips The list of points which shall be skipped during conversion; this feature is * particularly important when building a concatenated from pieces time series and junction shall * not make it into the grammar. * * @return SAX representation of the time series. * @throws SAXException if error occurs. */ public SAXRecords ts2saxViaWindowSkipping(double[] ts, int windowSize, int paaSize, double[] cuts, NumerosityReductionStrategy strategy, double nThreshold, ArrayList<Integer> skips) throws SAXException { // the resulting data structure init // SAXRecords saxFrequencyData = new SAXRecords(); Collections.sort(skips); int cSkipIdx = 0; // scan across the time series extract sub sequences, and convert them to strings char[] previousString = null; boolean skipped = false; for (int i = 0; i < ts.length - (windowSize - 1); i++) { // skip what need to be skipped if (cSkipIdx < skips.size() && i == skips.get(cSkipIdx)) { cSkipIdx = cSkipIdx + 1; skipped = true; continue; } // fix the current subsection double[] subSection = Arrays.copyOfRange(ts, i, i + windowSize); // Z normalize it subSection = tsProcessor.znorm(subSection, nThreshold); // perform PAA conversion if needed double[] paa = tsProcessor.paa(subSection, paaSize); // Convert the PAA to a string. char[] currentString = tsProcessor.ts2String(paa, cuts); if (!(skipped) && null != previousString) { if (NumerosityReductionStrategy.EXACT.equals(strategy) && Arrays.equals(previousString, currentString)) { // NumerosityReduction continue; } else if (NumerosityReductionStrategy.MINDIST.equals(strategy) && checkMinDistIsZero(previousString, currentString)) { continue; } } previousString = currentString; if (skipped) { skipped = false; } saxFrequencyData.add(currentString, i); } return saxFrequencyData; } /** * Compute the distance between the two chars based on the ASCII symbol codes. * * @param a The first char. * @param b The second char. * @return The distance. */ public int charDistance(char a, char b) { return Math.abs(Character.getNumericValue(a) - Character.getNumericValue(b)); } /** * Compute the distance between the two strings, this function use the numbers associated with * ASCII codes, i.e. distance between a and b would be 1. * * @param a The first string. * @param b The second string. * @return The pairwise distance. * @throws SAXException if length are differ. */ public int strDistance(char[] a, char[] b) throws SAXException { if (a.length == b.length) { int distance = 0; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { int tDist = Math.abs(Character.getNumericValue(a[i]) - Character.getNumericValue(b[i])); distance += tDist; } return distance; } else { throw new SAXException("Unable to compute SAX distance, string lengths are not equal"); } } /** * This function implements SAX MINDIST function which uses alphabet based distance matrix. * * @param a The SAX string. * @param b The SAX string. * @param distanceMatrix The distance matrix to use. * @param n the time series length (sliding window length). * @param w the number of PAA segments. * @return distance between strings. * @throws SAXException If error occurs. */ public double saxMinDist(char[] a, char[] b, double[][] distanceMatrix, int n, int w) throws SAXException { if (a.length == b.length) { double dist = 0.0D; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (Character.isLetter(a[i]) && Character.isLetter(b[i])) { // ... forms have numeric values from 10 through 35 int numA = Character.getNumericValue(a[i]) - 10; int numB = Character.getNumericValue(b[i]) - 10; int maxIdx = distanceMatrix[0].length; if (numA > (maxIdx - 1) || numA < 0 || numB > (maxIdx - 1) || numB < 0) { throw new SAXException( "The character index greater than " + maxIdx + " or less than 0!"); } double localDist = distanceMatrix[numA][numB]; dist = dist + localDist * localDist; } else { throw new SAXException("Non-literal character found!"); } } return Math.sqrt((double) n / (double) w) * Math.sqrt(dist); } else { throw new SAXException("Data arrays lengths are not equal!"); } } /** * Check for trivial mindist case. * * @param a first string. * @param b second string. * @return true if mindist between strings is zero. */ public boolean checkMinDistIsZero(char[] a, char[] b) { for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (charDistance(a[i], b[i]) > 1) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Computes the distance between approximated values and the real TS. * * @param ts the timeseries. * @param winSize SAX window size. * @param paaSize SAX PAA size. * @param normThreshold the normalization threshold. * @return the distance value. * @throws Exception if error occurs. */ public double approximationDistancePAA(double[] ts, int winSize, int paaSize, double normThreshold) throws Exception { double resDistance = 0d; int windowCounter = 0; double pointsPerWindow = (double) winSize / (double) paaSize; for (int i = 0; i < ts.length - winSize + 1; i++) { double[] subseries = Arrays.copyOfRange(ts, i, i + winSize); if (tsProcessor.stDev(subseries) > normThreshold) { subseries = tsProcessor.znorm(subseries, normThreshold); } double[] paa = tsProcessor.paa(subseries, paaSize); windowCounter++; // essentially the distance here is the distance between the segment's // PAA value and the real TS value // double subsequenceDistance = 0.; for (int j = 0; j < subseries.length; j++) { int paaIdx = (int) Math.floor(((double) j + 0.5) / (double) pointsPerWindow); if (paaIdx < 0) { paaIdx = 0; } if (paaIdx > paa.length) { paaIdx = paa.length - 1; } subsequenceDistance = subsequenceDistance + ed.distance(paa[paaIdx], subseries[j]); } resDistance = resDistance + subsequenceDistance / subseries.length; } return resDistance / (double) windowCounter; } /** * Computes the distance between approximated values and the real TS. * * @param ts the timeseries. * @param winSize SAX window size. * @param paaSize SAX PAA size. * @param alphabetSize SAX alphabet size. * @param normThreshold the normalization threshold. * @return the distance value. * @throws Exception if error occurs. */ public double approximationDistanceAlphabet(double[] ts, int winSize, int paaSize, int alphabetSize, double normThreshold) throws Exception { double resDistance = 0d; int windowCounter = 0; double[] centralLines = na.getCentralCuts(alphabetSize); for (int i = 0; i < ts.length - winSize + 1; i++) { double[] subseries = Arrays.copyOfRange(ts, i, i + winSize); double subsequenceDistance = 0.; if (tsProcessor.stDev(subseries) > normThreshold) { subseries = tsProcessor.znorm(subseries, normThreshold); } double[] paa = tsProcessor.paa(subseries, paaSize); int[] leterIndexes = tsProcessor.ts2Index(paa, na, alphabetSize); windowCounter++; // essentially the distance here is the distance between the segment's // PAA value and the real TS value // for (int j = 0; j < paa.length; j++) { // compute the alphabet central cut line int letterIdx = leterIndexes[j]; double cLine = centralLines[letterIdx]; subsequenceDistance = subsequenceDistance + ed.distance(cLine, paa[j]); } resDistance = resDistance + subsequenceDistance / paa.length; } return resDistance / (double) windowCounter; } /** * Converts a single time-series into map of shingle frequencies. * * @param series the time series. * @param windowSize the sliding window size. * @param paaSize the PAA segments number. * @param alphabetSize the alphabet size. * @param strategy the numerosity reduction strategy. * @param nrThreshold the SAX normalization threshold. * @param shingleSize the shingle size. * * @return map of shingle frequencies. * @throws SAXException if error occurs. */ public Map<String, Integer> ts2Shingles(double[] series, int windowSize, int paaSize, int alphabetSize, NumerosityReductionStrategy strategy, double nrThreshold, int shingleSize) throws SAXException { // build all shingles String[] alphabet = new String[alphabetSize]; for (int i = 0; i < alphabetSize; i++) { alphabet[i] = String.valueOf(TSProcessor.ALPHABET[i]); } String[] allShingles = getAllPermutations(alphabet, shingleSize); // result HashMap<String, Integer> res = new HashMap<String, Integer>(allShingles.length); for (String s : allShingles) { res.put(s, 0); } // discretize SAXRecords saxData = ts2saxViaWindow(series, windowSize, paaSize, na.getCuts(alphabetSize), strategy, nrThreshold); // fill in the counts for (SAXRecord sr : saxData) { String word = String.valueOf(sr.getPayload()); int frequency = sr.getIndexes().size(); for (int i = 0; i <= word.length() - shingleSize; i++) { String shingle = word.substring(i, i + shingleSize); res.put(shingle, res.get(shingle) + frequency); } } return res; } /** * Get all permutations of the given alphabet of given length. * * @param alphabet the alphabet to use. * @param wordLength the word length. * @return set of permutation. */ public static String[] getAllPermutations(String[] alphabet, int wordLength) { // initialize our returned list with the number of elements calculated above String[] allLists = new String[(int) Math.pow(alphabet.length, wordLength)]; // lists of length 1 are just the original elements if (wordLength == 1) return alphabet; else { // the recursion--get all lists of length 3, length 2, all the way up to 1 String[] allSublists = getAllPermutations(alphabet, wordLength - 1); // append the sublists to each element int arrayIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < alphabet.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < allSublists.length; j++) { // add the newly appended combination to the list allLists[arrayIndex] = alphabet[i] + allSublists[j]; arrayIndex++; } } return allLists; } } /** * Generic method to convert the milliseconds into the elapsed time string. * * @param start Start timestamp. * @param finish End timestamp. * @return String representation of the elapsed time. */ public static String timeToString(long start, long finish) { Duration duration = new Duration(finish - start); // in milliseconds PeriodFormatter formatter = new PeriodFormatterBuilder().appendDays().appendSuffix("d") .appendHours().appendSuffix("h").appendMinutes().appendSuffix("m").appendSeconds() .appendSuffix("s").appendMillis().appendSuffix("ms").toFormatter(); return formatter.print(duration.toPeriod()); } }